Q: Please tell our readers about yourself.

A: I am a multi-hyphenated woman: Author, Publishing Priestess at Radhaa Publishing House, and Founder of Goddess Code Academy. As a lifelong student and teacher of the Goddess Archetypes at Goddess Code Academy™, where I teach my original modality, Goddess Activations™. I was named after the Goddess of Love and Devotion. I’ve always felt such a deep connection to the many faces of the Goddess, which we bring through our collaborative books. As an autodidact, I love diving into life’s mysteries, connecting with my ancestors, delving into the creative arts, and rifting on the Galactic Goddess podcast with guests. As an advocate of diverse voices, I empower the voices of the unheard feminine, healers, visionaries, alchemists, priestesses, starseeds, and devotional seekers who have important messages to share with the world. In my spare time, you’ll find me walking through the forest, rescuing animals, collecting books, and crystals, traveling the world and doing daily prayers for world peace, sovereignty, and healing work for humanity. Though I am far from perfect, I believe we can embrace our imperfections and honor our unique human experiences through Storytelling. It’s a form of healing for both the author and the reader.

The Radhaa Publishing Story

Before I founded my Publishing House, I worked  in many aspects of the Entertainment Industry and as a Producer. I also had a Healing Practice in Hollywood Hills, where I had a spiritual counseling practice working with women in healing their heart and soul wounds. After listening to hundreds of women over the years, I realized how the truest voices of women were not being heard in the world. I realized that healing was needed, not just behind closed doors but through wider conversations and Storytelling. I was working with a modality called Goddess Activations™, which created a Goddess Archetype that helped women reclaim parts of themselves. This is a modality I created and currently teach and use at Goddess Code Academy. 

It was when I jump-started writing my book. I started as an inspired artist and creator with a heartfelt desire to share my pilgrimage through the dark and light. I wanted to start having conversations about the things that women experience but rarely talk about, from abuse to dealing with patriarchal structures that continue to oppress, overcoming witch wounds, remembering my Priestess’s past lives, to working with the goddess in her many faces and forms to Rising through it all. I knew I wasn’t the only one with these stories, and I bridged the gap by launching Radhaa Publishing House and focusing on collaborative books. Through our publication, we expand community outreach, creating connections to all four corners of the world. We aim to spread positive healing energy that supports inner wisdom and transformation through many perspectives. As an advocate for diverse voices whose messages are often ignored, I knew I needed to create a container for those ripe and bursting with the desire to share their stories. I understood the importance of creating sacred writing containers where they could be fully supported while incubating and developing their most sacred stories. I started to curate collaborative books as a sacred vessel. Radhaa Publishing House is breaking glass ceilings, helping authors to share, shine, and be fully empowered. I now spend my days supporting writers through writing programs, collaborative books, visibility, and marketing so they can become bestselling authors who are seen as experts in their field.

Q: How did you get into Publishing?

A: After writing my solo book, I got this divine inspiration to do a series called Awakening Starseeds, a collaborative book we curate yearly. These are a series of books with authors worldwide sharing their awakening stories. After spending years in the City of Dreams, I stepped away to live on the top of the Appalachian mountains, where I settled as a pioneer of sorts in this sacred land that was bursting with life but had very few people in proximity. This space, in contrast to the chaotic energy of Hollywood, living on the trail of tears, had me drop into deeper parts of myself. I was experiencing what some would call divine downloads, instructional packets of information on the collaborative book series Awakening Starseeds. Although I had done PR and covered celebrity events, I had never actually written a book. I only knew that I was to gather the voices of people with these experiences around the world and produce a book with a cover and all of the pieces involved, which are quite extensive. So this was all new territory for me. I gained the most valuable lessons from trying and making mistakes but not giving up. But I have learned that my best teacher was trial and error, which we certainly did with our first book with all its moving parts. 


My experiences turned out to be extremely valuable. Working with the artist, the graphic designer, the editor, formatter, and since then, the entire process has become second nature for us as we have built a strong team to support these labor-intensive projects. The experience of curating a book is much like producing, but on paper, with many talents, voices, distribution, and people involved. So our authors have gotten the best of both worlds, and I always try to make the experience as empowering as possible with author interviews and pieces they can use for their promotional work and websites. We started our first collaborative book in 2019, and are just now releasing Awakening Starseeds, Vol. 3, Dreaming into the Future, in paperback. 

Since then, we have curated these Published Books.

Awakening Starseeds: Shattering Illusions, Vol.1

Welcome to the first and original Awakening Starseed book series ever put out in the world. We realized that it’s time to come together with other Starseeds to journey into this historical time we are living in. From this age of darkness, Kali Yuga, we are entering the age of truth and light, Satya Yuga. As we watch the crumbling of the old paradigm, we can choose to be fearful, or we can decide to step into our divine power, purpose, and truth. This book series is a bridge to other Starseeds who are looking for inspiration and guidance. Like precious gems, unearthed from deep within, each story contains Starseed messages, Transmissions and Activations to inspire you. Starseeds are volunteers on Earth to contribute to the current ascension shift taking place on the planet right now. Published by Radhaa Publishing House.

Awakening Starseeds: Stories Beyond The Stargate, Vol. 2

The Awakening Starseeds Book Series is an ongoing, multi-year-long global collaboration project. Featuring a new collection of visionary authors pioneering transformation in every consecutive volume. Think Harry Potter for readers at the cutting edge of consciousness. As old paradigm structures are crumbling and millions of people are gripped by fear and despair, a wave of awakening Souls and Starseeds spans the globe, spreading the message of freedom, renewal, hope, and the promise of a great Neo-Renaissance for humanity. Chapter by chapter, readers find themselves inspired to think beyond old, ingrained belief systems as they reach into their hearts and minds to step into the future they've always dreamed of.

"Dreaming Into The Future'' features 17 international authors who dare to share their vision of a brighter future. Join the voices of the indigenous elders from a 4th generation Lemurian Shaman, Mayan Timekeeper from Guatemala, Maharlika PROUT philosopher from the Philippines, and Descendant of Native American Indian Warrior Geronimo. Join the Futurists, Visionaries, and Dreamers as they gather at the roundtable of Awakening Starseeds to share their stories to inspire and uplift your spirits worldwide. One thing they all have in common is the drive and desire to ignite a better future.

Awakening Starseeds: Dreaming Into the Future, Vol. 3

The Awakening Starseeds Book Series is an ongoing, multi-year-long global collaboration project. Featuring a new collection of visionary authors pioneering transformation in every consecutive volume. Think Harry Potter for readers at the cutting edge of consciousness. As old paradigm structures are crumbling and millions of people are gripped by fear and despair, a wave of awakening Souls and Starseeds spans the globe, spreading the message of freedom, renewal, hope, and the promise of a great Neo-Renaissance for humanity. Chapter by chapter, readers find themselves inspired to think beyond old, ingrained belief systems as they reach into their hearts and minds to step into the future they've always dreamed of.

"Dreaming Into The Future'' features 17 international authors who dare to share their vision of a brighter future. Join the voices of the indigenous elders from a 4th generation Lemurian Shaman, Mayan Timekeeper from Guatemala, Maharlika PROUT philosopher from the Philippines, and Descendant of Native American Indian Warrior Geronimo. Join the Futurists, Visionaries, and Dreamers as they gather at the roundtable of Awakening Starseeds to share their stories to inspire and uplift your spirits worldwide. One thing they all have in common is the drive and desire to ignite a better future. Publisher: Radhaa Publishing House.

Pillars of Light: Stories of Goddess Activations™

Quan Yin Goddess Activations™ Healing Workbook ( these books are not for public sale as they only used at Goddess Code Academy as of 2021) 

Energy Healing & Soul Medicine, Vol. 1

Energy Healing & Soul Medicine book, holistic healer, healing, medicine woman, indigenous, healers, collaborative book, Radhaa Publishing House, radhaa Nilia, Maya the shaman, healer, healing, best seller.

Memoirs of a Galactic Goddess

Coming Soon:

Infinite Cosmic Records™ by Maya the Shaman

Book cover by Maya the Shaman, Infinite Cosmic Records Modality, created by Maya the Shaman, who is also the creatrix of Lemurian Code Healing. Book published by Radhaa Publishing House.

Maharlika: In Search of Identity by Deo Palma

Quan Yin’s Journal: A 30-day Self-Discovery and Healing Workbook

Memoirs of a Galactic Goddess ( Second Edition) 

Collaborative Book Opportunities: 

*Apply to join

Stories of the Goddess

Poems From the Heart

Energy Healing & Soul Medicine 2

Awakening Starseeds: Vol. 4, Solutions for a Better Future.

Conversation on our next collaborative book opportunity: Stories of the Goddess

What type of products, services, and creative works do you provide: 

We offer various services, from creating coaching and group writing programs to collaborative book opportunities to author launch support. 

Group Writing Programs: These live coaching programs provide structure, accountability, safety, and support. You get coaching and feedback in real-time. We currently have a women’s writing program that starts on November 11 March 22nd. We meet monthly, and this writing program leads towards being published in the ‘Stories of the Goddess’ collaborative book in 2023. You can find info HERE:
One-to-One Creative Coaching Packages: These are intended to meet you wherever you are on your writing or publishing journey. We set the intention with clarity on what is needed and where we are focused. It could be writing sessions,structure, or if you have your manuscript completed, and you need advice on getting you from A-Z. 

Collaborative Author Opportunities: We offer a holistic version of the “Chicken soup for the Soul” series of books where multiple authors contribute to a book with a common theme. We curate multiple collaborative books with various themes that bring together like-minded storytellers. In the process, each person dives into a theme of the book, and each person writes their own story. Part of the process is supporting authors’ visibility through interview/s, training in the promotional aspect to gain more visibility and cross-pollinating tribes. This is a win-win writing program and publishing that empowers all involved.

Author Launch Packages: If someone has written a book and is about to launch, we offer packages that support this vital next step in birthing your book to the world. We offer support on many levels, impactful press releases, and videos that authors can use to create traction in their ‘big announcement.’ Birthing a book is a big deal, and it’s challenging to do it alone. We enjoy elevating authors and their voices and vision through visibility. 

What problems do you solve for your clients:

We solve many problems for our clients to make their publishing experience more smooth sailing. For example, some people need a year to write a full book or six figures to publish it. But they know they have a message; they know they need to write and to be published. We provide an easy way to get published, seen, heard, and in an affordable way where we do all the heavy lifting. Another burden we lift off our author’s shoulders is through our Coaching Packages. Some writers come to us blocked and need support in unraveling their stuck stories. They may have too many emotions around them and need deeper support. Since our Coaches come from writing and healing backgrounds, this helps tremendously. 

One author says of working with our Coach: “Radhaa Publishing House guided me and helped me reach in and see “the story” hiding within and behind the words. They helped me trust my truth and speak to the seed that brought my life of awakening to pass. My writing Coach, Maya the Shaman, worked with me to take me deep, and I had many moments of tears as I peeled back the layers. I rewrote the story numerous times before I got to the version that was published. I was forever changed by the experience of publishing with Radhaa Publishing House. As we got to hear one another and inspire one another along the way, the group dynamic was super supportive and truly inspiring.” – Stasia Bliss.

What do you think sets you apart from others? 

Radhaa Publishing House is owned and operated by women of color. But what sets us apart is that we are heart-centered small business owners. I appreciated the feedback that we got this week. “I have not seen the quality and heart-centeredness of a publishing house like Radhaa Publishing since Hay House. Radhaa’s outreach to high-integrity, high-vibration writers is above and beyond what I have generally seen in the literary world. If you are looking for a great publishing house or a great book, I highly recommend Radhaa Publishing House.” – Kory Muniz.

What do you want potential clients to know about your work? 

I want clients to know that becoming a published author is a profound and life-changing journey. Taking time to write your story will be passed down to future generations. We may be a small and humble publishing house, but we worked hard and were blessed to make waves. I am proud when someone reaches out to us to tell us how much our books mean to them. They have a feeling of resonating with the voices in our books, and in this way, they don’t feel alone. We talk candidly about our experiences on this journey in a way that’s not romanticized but raw, real, and vulnerable. This is part of greater healing. Everyone feels they have to be perfect. 

The truth is, you don’t need to be perfect to share your story. What matters is authentic voices brave enough to share their stories. A woman wrote to me a few months ago, finally bringing to light a deep trauma she’s had since childhood that she never shared with anyone else. This courage to share and bring light to a dark situation liberated her in many ways after reading Pillars of Light: Stories of Goddess Activations™. Many women shared their tumultuous stories of overcoming trauma in this book. Since the reader felt she was not alone, she didn’t have to hide her secret or go to her grave carrying the heaviness in her heart and Soul. I think that’s worth more than gold! 

In another scenario, a senior author whose life’s dream was to share her story of love and war against all odds. Her dream came true, and she was able to write and share her story with our team’s support before she died. Just as the book was coming out, she passed away. We were all really sad, and it was bittersweet. But her story lives on, will be passed down for generations, and is part of her Legacy. It makes my heart burst knowing that her dream manifested and we were able to support that last wish. This is beyond just a brand to me. It’s about sharing love and Legacy and helping people make their dreams come true. 

Honoring Letty Jones, who co-authored in Awakening Starseeds: Vol. 2, Beyond the Stargate. Chapter 12: Standing For Love. 

Radhaa Publishing Mission: Radhaa Publishing is an independent, innovative, creative modern Renaissance Publishing House. Our mission is to usher in the golden age around healing and transformation for the next evolution of humanity. The collaborative books we curate and publish are devoted to the voice of the Soul, made with love, high quality, and consciousness. We are a global community with authors from around all corners of the Earth. We distribute heart-centered and exceptional books in print and digital formats. Our authors have been featured in digital magazines, book reviews, prestigious book shops, radio broadcasts, and various media outlets and publications, including launching multiple Amazon #1 Bestsellers. Bringing Authors together creates a sense of universal family that inspires readers to remember they are not alone on their journey of awakening. If you have a story in your heart that you want to share in one of our upcoming collaborative books, or could use some support, we would love to connect. With Gratitude, Radhaa.


Upcoming Projects:




Awakening Starseeds: Shattering Illusions Volume 1 has been making waves online as a best-seller. The collaborative book packs nineteen authors and has been finding a following. Awakening Starseeds has been included in one of the largest Metaphysical Libraries in the World, Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library.

Fitting in perfectly with the Metaphysical Library genre. Here’s what the back cover description says: 

“We are in a time of great change. One where we must make a choice that will shape our collective destiny. We must choose to either wake up or continue to be a sleepwalker in the slumber of mundane life. Awakening Starseeds is filled with mystical experiences, abrupt awakenings, and real-life stories shared by nineteen authors worldwide. The authors offer their inner strength, vulnerability, and visions of an old and new paradigm. These stories are a bridge to other Starseeds looking for inspiration and guidance during these turbulent times. “

Radhaa Nilia, founder of Radhaa Publishing House and the Curator of Awakening Starseeds Series

“I had this vision of bringing together Starseeds from all over the world and creating something that would be timeless. Writing is a way of accessing your soul signature while sharing the human experience. I felt this would be invaluable for the authors and the readers.” And to have one of the largest metaphysical libraries in the world welcome it with open arms was a dream come true.” says Radhaa

Awakening Starseeds: Stories Beyond the Stargate Volume 2  is coming soon!

Awakening Starseeds: Shattering Illusions Volume 1 is the first kind of collaborative Starseed book to come out in the world. Awakening Starseeds has become an international community with authors coming from Asia, Europe, Canada, and, of course, the USA. Radhaa Publishing House curates this diverse collaborative series. Awakening Starseed Volume 2 will be released worldwide on July 4th. 

Q.  So, can you please tell us about Radhaa Publishing House and your focus on what type of books you like to work on?

Radhaa Publishing House is a boutique publishing house. Our focal point is on our collaborative book series, memoirs, and self-help books. Holistic, healing, and transformative stories by authors across the world. We offer multiple publishing packages to get your books out into the world. You choose which package feels aligned. From partial to full-service packages, we can help you make your writing dreams come true. 

Video Link:

We embrace and empower the sacred journey of our writer. We know how much support is needed throughout the creative process and the logistics to finally launch a book. We assist our clients in owning the voice of their soul and feeling empowered in the process. We have a heart-centered dedicated publishing team that can help from start to finish. Most importantly, we fully empower our authors with all the tools to accomplish their dream. We’ve worked with over 37 authors to date, and this is what they are saying about working with Radhaa Publishing House. 

Here’s what some of our authors are saying about working with us :

“I’m really glad that the word is getting out there about the Awakening Starseeds book and that we as starseeds can support each other and the collective. On a personal level for me, it’s quite a pleasant surprise, as in the book, I shared my story in a very authentic, vulnerable way with nothing but a pure intention to serve and inspire others. I had no ambitions other than to write as best as I can, make a difference, and create a positive impact. As it’s usually the case, when we’re being our true selves and give without expectations, we get the most rewards.” – Arramea, Awakening Starseeds Co-Author.

“I have published many books on Consciousness, empowerment subjects, and relationships, but I had never revealed raw, real stories of my life as was the opportunity with Awakening Starseeds. I wanted to join other authors writing personal stories, and Radhaa Publishing made it simple and empowering to share from the heart in a real, raw way. I was ready to reveal more of my back-story to this empowerment journey, and I am so excited to be on this team of conscious, awesome starseeds encouraging a revolution of awakening worldwide!” – Stasia, Awakening Starseeds Co-Author.

Lyn Pacificar,  Radhaa Nilia, and Michelle Lopez share their chapters at a book signing event. 

“I have gotten the courage not to be afraid to speak my truth and open myself to ask for help when I need it. That is what Radhaa Publishing has done for me. They helped me fully express my writings into manifestations, and I am grateful for this! Yes, Radhaa Publishing House made it easy and effortless to step into my writing power with their guidance. You, too, will experience this. Thank you, Radhaa Publishing House!”  – Raziel, Awakening Starseeds Co-Author 

“Visibility was a big piece of me coming out of the spiritual closet, and I felt that Radhaa Publishing House has a high energy and integrity level. Both of which are important for lightworkers and starseeds and our message. The curators are all Starseeds themselves, and Radhaa Publishing House created this wonderful opportunity for many others to see. I felt that they put their whole heart into making this happen even before, during, and after. It was a project that was supportive that made me feel safe to share myself and my story.” – Lalitha, Awakening Starseeds Co-Author.

“If anyone is interested in writing for Radhaa Publishing House, I am a testimonial to this! MY inner self, say go for it! So you too can do as I did! They will not steer you wrong and will help you with your journey as a writer. They did for all the co-authors of this beautiful book and especially for me. I know they firmly stand by that. Thank you so much, Radhaa Publishing House, for finding me and allowing me to share my voice and story. I am forever filled with gratitude for this life-changing and beautiful experience with Awakening Starseeds and Radhaa Publishing House.” – Cristal, Awakening Starseeds Co-Author.

We empower the sacred journey of storytelling. We embrace diversity; we are grateful to bring authors and readers together globally. Radhaa Publishing House is opening author applications for the following Awakening Starseeds series. We have many more collaborative opportunities, and we look forward to working with you in making your writing dreams come true. Radhaa Publishing House: 

Awakening Starseeds: Shattering Illusions is available at: 

Barnes and Noble:

