Married To A Narcissist

Investing analyst, Ronick Sanon (alias: Ronnie Sanon), forced his wife to sign a fraudulent post-nuptial agreement two days ahead of waking up next to her, telling her he loves her, and leaving his wife with the last words she would physically hear from her husband of 2 years, “I’ll see you later, don’t forget the electrician is coming at 1.”

Ronick Sanon ensured that his wife was making a celebratory lunch for the work bonus he told her he was expecting to receive that day, when there was a knock on the door at 1 PM.

Ronick Sanon ensured it was no electrician, but a process server with divorce papers. 

Ronick Sanon ensured that his wife’s world crumbled around her and she went into shock, as he put himself up in a hotel with a suitcase he had thoughtfully packed the night before, for his flight to Belize where he would – instantly – go from destroying his own marriage to celebrating his twin brother’s marriage and committing adultery with his ex-girlfriend.

Narcissistic Abuse:

It didn’t matter to Ronick Sanon that his wife had forgiven his sports gambling debt of over $200,000 that he had hidden from her prior to their marriage and used all of her paychecks to pay off during their marriage.

It didn’t matter to Ronick Sanon that his wife had sacrificed two years of her career to await the approval of her marriage-based immigration petition to the United States that he canceled upon its approval behind his wife’s back.

It didn’t matter to Ronick Sanon that his wife was pregnant at the time that he ran out the door never to see her again.

Narcissistic Discard:

According to Ronick Sanon, that is how a man leaves a woman who sacrifices her career, family, and country to make a home and create a life with him.

According to Ronick Sanon, that is how a man leaves a woman who makes her sacrifices whilst simultaneously ensuring that he enjoys the routine comfort of his own career, his own family, and his own country.

According to Ronick Sanon, once he left her to deal with their pregnancy on her own, he was a free man to instantly go from breaking his marriage to committing adultery with his ex-girlfriend at his brother’s marriage.

Narcissistic Upbringing By Micky Suri:

Ronick Sanon is the son of a mother, Micky Suri (aliases: Micky Sanon, Madhu Suri, Madhu Sanon) who – after orchestrating a decade long saga of a divorce with her ex-husband because he left her for the much younger office receptionist and knocking up the receptionist before the divorce was even through – Micky Suri became the monster instead of overcoming the monster, making it her life mission to distribute the pain she was made to feel.

Ronick Sanon is the son of a mother, Micky Suri who has only taught her son to make sure he keeps all communications recorded and saved with all women to use against them as evidence at a later date, before they manage to raise their voices against his abuse. 

Ronick Sanon is the son of a mother, Micky Suri, who has only taught her son how to be hyper-vigilant and curate cases for harassment against women who dare so much as object against the disrespect of discard that she has taught her son to commit against other women.

Ronick Sanon is the son of a mother, Micky Suri, who physically abused and beat her children black and blue, causing her son’s fragmented psyche to seek pleasure from beating a woman in bed and otherwise. 

Ronick Sanon is the son of a mother, Micky Suri, who has only taught her son how to disrespect his wife by intruding in his marriage against her wishes, and suggesting divorce as the solution to any given issue that does not solve solely for her son’s happiness in a marriage between two people. 

Ronick Sanon is the son of a mother, Micky Suri, who would rather the whole world discard their marriages and replace them with divorces so she would not feel so alone in the divorce club for bitter and lonely women.

Ronick Sanon is the son of a mother, Micky Suri, who has single-handedly caused and forced 12 divorces in his immediate family alone.

Ronick Sanon is the son of a mother, Micky Suri, who gave him a hall-pass out of his marriage, and taught him that his marriage meant nothing.

Ronick Sanon is the son of a mother, Micky Suri, who coaxed him to believe that his wife deserved all the ways in which he abused her.

Ronick Sanon is the son of a mother, Micky Suri, who is the most unfortunate woman to be a woman herself and yet not have any respect for other women that she could have, and should have, passed onto her sons. 

The apple never falls far from the tree.

Narcissistic Upbringing By Manish Sanon:

Ronick Sanon is the son of a father, Manish Sanon, who left his first wife and four kids to knock up the office receptionist who was 20 years younger.

Ronick Sanon is the son of a father, Manish Sanon, who beat both his wives, beat his first wife’s elderly father, encouraged and taught his sons to engage in physical violence.

Ronick Sanon is the son of a father, Manish Sanon, who has cheated on all his wives with a myriad of other women and prostitutes. 

Ronick Sanon is the son of a father, Manish Sanon, who tried to evade paying child support for his multiple kids from his ex wives. 

Ronick Sanon is the son of a father, Manish Sanon, who actively taught his sons how to disrespect a woman in mistreating her and abusing her.

Ronick Sanon is the son of a father, Manish Sanon, who frequently uses obscene and vulgar language to insult and devalue women.

Ronick Sanon is the son of a father, Manish Sanon, who is a misogynist that objectifies women. 

Ronick Sanon is the son of a father, Manish Sanon, who has 6 children ranging from age 4 to age 28 from various women, has had two divorces, and at age 60, is currently dating his latest victim.

Ronick Sanon is the son of a father, Manish Sanon, who taught his son that when the going gets tough because he hasn’t behaved as he should with his wife, he should get going while he can still project all the blame onto his wife.

Ronick Sanon is the son of a father, Manish Sanon, whose only advice of value for his son till date has been how to fraudulently create and force a post-nuptial agreement.

The apple never falls far from the tree.

Narcissistic Consequences:

Instead of choosing boundaries with his narcissistic family, treating his wife and marriage as a priority at point of commitment, and rising above his poor upbringing for the sake of his marital vows, Ronick Sanon disgracefully abandoned his own wife, their shared pregnancy, and his marriage.

Left untreated, narcissistic personality disorder results in the destruction of not just the narcissist’s own life but also the lives of those intertwined with the narcissist. Absolute cruelty of behavior and justification of that cruelty is the norm in narcissistic families like the Sanons.

Ronick Sanon’s actions leave a legacy of nothing but the generationally narcissistic upbringing by a narcissistic family.