Micky Suri: Family Court Frankenstein

Micky Suri: Family Court Frankenstein

Micky Suri (aliases: Micky Sanon, Madhu Suri, Madhu Sanon) is a middle-aged woman in her late 50s who is a resident of Monroe County and the poster-woman for the local Family Court.

Verging on vexatious litigant, Micky Suri has dragged out a divorce case for over a decade to prevent her ex from marrying his much younger office receptionist, and now that that is finally over, cannot seem to help her ongoing obsession with the legal process. 

Embroiled in multiple cases of domestic violence restraining orders filed against her by her son’s wife, instead of remorse for her actions, aggressor Micky Suri has developed a taste for the legal process of filing restraining order petitions herself.

Micky is now threatening people with restraining orders left, right, and center. She’s handing out these threats like she’s distributing candy,” comments a source close to Micky Suri’s ex-husband’s second wife. In the last month alone, Micky Suri has threatened her ex-husband’s second wife with a restraining order, her neighbor with a restraining order, her local nail technician with a restraining order, etc. for no rhyme nor reason.

Pandora’s Box of legal process in family law has well and truly been opened, and although she does not have the brains to be a lawyer, Micky Suri makes up for it with the petty vengeance that makes her a nightmare litigant for family court.

Most people would get on with their lives and seek attention for their accomplishments. Not Micky Suri. Micky Suri has grown accustomed to the legal processes of family court that she has been married to (pun intended) for the last decade of her life.

After a generation spent going back and forth in court, Micky Suri does not even shy away from involving her children in her combative and ultimately futile legal process. 

“During her divorce case, Micky Suri didn’t give a damn about the psyches of her underage children in leveraging them as pawns to gather evidence against her ex. Not just that, as her marriage was breaking, Micky even tricked her ex into having more children just to trap him in a marriage where he felt suffocated by her. No one with basic moral sense would bring more kids into a marriage that already wasn’t working, but Micky Suri has always lacked basic decencies. You know she sent a gigantic hour glass to her ex’s home when he got married to his second wife? Just to harass and threaten them with the end of their relationship. She knows all about harassment, she does, the ultimate harasser that she is. Micky grew up in the ghetto of Queens NY and let’s just say, it’s cheap and it shows,” comments the neighbor of Micky Suri’s ex-husband.

“With her own divorce case out of the way, she now uses her kids like props on set by bringing them to court. She’s conniving and thinks that having her kids there helps her look more like a victim in front of the judge. No care for the kids and how being dragged through court affects them of course, Micky’s a narcissistic mother through and through. I don’t have to tell you that even though they are adults, Micky’s kids are all broken. They lack social skills, they lack the ability to have and maintain romantic relationships, they are all awkward and socially outcasted kids who don’t know how to love because their mom has only ever taught them how to hate. 

Micky wouldn’t have it any other way. Micky thoroughly milks the fact that her kids lack the ability to have any real friends and lives independent of their mom, because that way she can always control them and they will always remain at their mom’s beck and call. All four kids suffer Stockholm Syndrome from Micky holding their growth and development hostage.

These kids, they sit like vulnerable props and even act as box-bearers of Micky’s infamous, self-constructed ‘evidence files’, putting up the show of carrying them in for her to court. That’s right, Micky makes and keeps files on everyone. When you aren’t a lawyer, you keep photo albums of your friendships and relationships. Not Micky Suri. Though she’s definitely no lawyer, Micky preemptively keeps files on people that she might want to target and attack in court someday. Who does that, right?! There is something seriously wrong with her, she’s not normal. In fact, everyone calls her ‘Crazy Micky,’ the woman is insane, she’s totally psychotic.”

It is unclear if the gloves are off or if they were ever worn, since moral reasoning does not seem to factor into Micky Suri’s actions as it does for the otherwise reasonable person.

“I have known her for decades and let me tell you something, Micky’s a drama queen. She manipulates everyone she knows, so manipulating the law is nothing to her. She did it for her divorce and now she is doing it for her son’s divorce. Manipulating the law is a drug for her and she’s addicted to court,” comments Micky Suri’s friend who does not wish to be named lest she too become the subject of Micky Suri’s “spiteful litigation.”

“Recently, Micky said to me that her son’s legal wife was ‘harassing’ her son just because the girl so much as even texted her legal husband during their divorce. You don’t question why Micky’s involved in her son’s marriage like that because questioning that would mean opening up  jars regarding the incestuous relationships Micky has with her sons. As each year passes, it’s increasingly more evident that she had these boys to compensate for her lack of relationship with her ex-husband – this is a separate issue of child abuse and speaking to this issue would reveal my identity as, over the years, I now know more than I should have ever come to know. 

All I can tell you is that Micky was trying her best to curate a case of harassment against her son’s wife. Micky manipulated her son – she knows the weaknesses of each of her kids only too well because after all, the master manipulator that she is, Micky has created the weaknesses of each of her kids herself – by threatening him with losing his family. Micky operates her dysfunctional family like a cult and she knows that her son’s weakness is having his subscription to the cult terminated, so she played his weakness to her strength in getting what she wanted from him.

She forgets that God is watching and she also has a daughter of her own. She even went so far as to try and insult that girl for being a couple of years older than her son. You’d think it would only be upto the kids whether the age gap was okay for them. You’d also think the girl had patented something by the time her son was born the way Micky made an issue out of 2-3 years. Imagine, a supposedly educated woman in her late 50s, who has a daughter in her mid 20s, stooping to the level of age-shaming a girl who is still young enough only to be her daughter!

When Micky’s own daughter hasn’t even been able to have, let alone sustain, any romantic relationships at age 26 and she has been old enough to do so for a long time! No surprises why she can’t, given that she’s Micky’s daughter, broken by Micky. You know, Micky used to abuse her daughter when she was younger, Micky would abuse her daughter if her daughter so much as expressed that she wanted to pierce her ears, wear makeup, or wear more girly clothes. It wasn’t till her daughter got bullied at school for not handling puberty like other normal girls, that Micky finally acted with some reason – but she did so not for the sake of her daughter, but to save her own public face. 

Micky is what my husband calls a narcopath – a narcissistic sociopath – who wants to maintain a clean public image while committing horrors behind closed doors. She is an abusive bully, most heartbreakingly to her own kids. Not only did Micky not support her son’s marriage, there is nothing the miserable woman didn’t do to completely destroy the relationship between those kids.

Micky lives to control her adult kids by triggering their weaknesses. The drama, the making a big deal out of the mistakes of others before attention is drawn to flaws of her own, the manipulative mommy crocodile tears, the victim card of convenience, you name it, Micky’s got the works. She will stop at nothing and nothing is too unconscionable for Micky to get what Micky wants. 

When she can destroy the lives of her own kids, it’s safe to say that Micky’s cruelty and sadism know no bounds for those who aren’t even related to her. 

For months, Micky constantly sat in her son’s ear, coaching him to abuse and abandon his pregnant wife. She put the fear of losing his family into him. Micky did this because, for one, her son married against her wishes, the kids had an intimate marriage ceremony where Micky wasn’t present. For a woman who wants more say and attention than the bride at her own son’s wedding, this was obviously unacceptable. More importantly, Micky quickly understood that could not control this girl that her son had married like she does her own kids, her son’s wife wasn’t the type to keep quiet about Micky’s monstrosities, let alone Micky’s abuse of her own elderly father! 

Yes, over the years, Micky has persistently committed elder abuse against her own elderly father. Micky has abandoned him over the holidays, stolen his money, the keys to his property, his legal IDs, and his electronic devices to tamper with and hack into his personal communications, just to assume control over his life against his express wishes. When Micky’s father told everyone that he wanted to leave nothing to her and he was throwing her out of his will, Micky even had him falsely declared as demented just to forcefully take his power of attorney.

The whole of Rochester knows about what’s happened. She abused, abandoned, and stole from her elderly father. She painted her daughter-in-law, a girl young enough to be her own daughter, as the devil that, ironically, Micky is herself. It’s always projection with Micky: she claims her dad is the bad parent when she’s the mother she is to these kids that need saving from her; she made sure that her son did to her daughter-in-law what her ex-husband had done to her. 

Unlike Micky, I’m a God-fearing woman and it breaks my heart that a daughter can be so cruel to her own elderly father. That a mother of a daughter can be so cruel to the daughter of another mother. Trust me when I say that Micky is a real piece of work, a master manipulator, and a pathological liar. Micky has no soul, forget a heart,” 

Upon further inquiry about the in-law abuse and the elder abuse inflicted by Micky Suri against her daughter-in-law and her own father, it emerges that a family feud runs deep because Micky Suri has developed a taste for receiving commissions from divorce lawyers in breaking up marriages within her own family.

Not one, not two, but 12 divorces in her immediate family alone have been initiated and wielded by Micky Suri. It is definitely not the legacy that respectable families aspire to in respecting the institution of marriage.

Not only does Micky Suri believe that marriages should end for little to no reason – conveniently, she does not abide by the law for divorce because the law hardlines absolute reasons that justify ending a relationship as significant as marriage. After her own divorce, Micky Suri wants divorce to sell at the price of peanuts and therefore, she does not heed legal grounds to justify divorce. Instead, for the sake of her commission from her network of divorce lawyers as well as her own ancillary sadism, Micky Suri advocates divorce as the one-stop-shop solution for any and all marital problems. 

Consequently, Micky Suri has led by her own example in romanticizing divorce – not marriage – for her four children.

At just 28, her son is already on the path of paving the way for the next generation of divorces in Micky Suri’s preferred family dynamic.

“He told his mom, Micky, that his wife and him had a domestic argument, and next thing you know, mommy was hellbent that her oh so unhappy son shotgun file for divorce with a divorce mediator that Micky basically has on speed dial. That easy. That easy for Micky to play with other people’s lives. She thinks she’s playing God but like I said, she’s the devil. 

Micky likes to make a big show of saving her kids from their problems in life, but the reality is that they only have the problems they have because Micky is their mother. The truth is that the only person her kids need saving from, to even try and have a healthy life, is Micky herself. Micky is a failure of a mother and this is in addition to her being a failure of a daughter and a wife.

But let me tell you something, from what I know and from what I have heard, Micky’s son’s wife is exactly what Micky needs and has needed for a long time. Micky just can’t figure out what to do with her and no matter how many times she tries to hurt the girl, the girl comes out on top! The girl is playing Micky’s fire with fire, and I say, good for her! Not only has Micky met her match but she is going crazy not being able to compete with the girl,” comments Micky Suri’s aforementioned friend.

“Micky’s dad, Darshan Suri, is dead set against Micky’s lack of morals as they relate to Family Court and abusing the institution to hurt close ones and loved ones. I personally know that both Narcissistic Personality Disorder and alcoholism affect Micky Suri’s psychosis and these afflictions directly contribute to her aggressive and evil behaviors. The cows will come home before the day that Micky Suri admits that she needs help. The thing about sadistic people who hurt others just to gain non-consensual control over their lives is that, they can never accept that they’re wrong,” comments long-term friend to Darshan Suri and family friend to Micky Suri.

“You know she physically hits and abuses people right? Micky would kill someone if she could. She used to hit her ex, ask his office staff. She would go into that dentist office and create a scene, beat him, throw anything she could get her hands on at him. One time she threw a vase at his head! Then she hit his second wife, the one he left Micky for. She hit that girl over the head with a telephone speaker! Then she beat her herd of kids black and blue, breaking them in every way. 

Then she tried to poison her daughter-in-law. 

Micky is a criminal, and because she knows what she herself is capable of and what she can go to prison for, she tries to get others before they can get her.

She lives for her calendar of court dates. What else do you expect from a woman who spent the last decade trying to hurt the man she claimed to love in court? She didn’t and maybe, given her nature, couldn’t move on. Micky is aggressive, attacking, and dogmatic about causing pain to others no matter their age and without grace for her own age. She also has the energy, time, and deviation to try and play games with people in court. It gives her something to do with her lonely self and I think that going to court also makes Micky feel important. Even if it comes at the cost of losing even the few people who have unfortunately come into contact with her. We know what she’s like and so we keep a safe distance.” comments Micky Suri’s next door neighbor.

Therefore, though Family Court is an institution revered for legal justice, it too runs the risk of being taken undue advantage of by the frankensteins it unintentionally creates. Letting just about anyone file just about anything is not the way forward for swift legal justice. Micky Suri, the unintended poster-woman for Monroe County Family Court is a clear warning sign for lax legal process.